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Final Blog Post

In this movie, the CBS News Studio was willing to stand up against Senator McCarthy. The senator was making false accusations about people being communist without any evidence. The government had sent a loyalty oath to CBS and forced them to sign it. This meant the news had to keep quiet about the issue and could not broadcast it to the general public. This was censorship. McCarthy was ‘‘imposing his personal or moral values on others’’. He felt that anyone who disagrees with him or criticize his methods is a communist. According to the First Amendment, Congress cannot make any laws to ‘‘abridge the freedom of the press’’. This directly implies how censorship is unconstitutional. The CBS News Studio has every right to speak against the wrongdoing of McCarthy without any restrictions from the government. The government has been trying to restrict journalists for a long time, the case of McCarthy occurred during the 1950s but if we trace back to 1735, we also see it occurring with John

Journo Heros

Christiane Amanpour is the child of an English mother and an Iranian father. She was born in London, England but grew up in Tehran, Iran. Her desire to become a journalist began when a revolution broke out in Iran and her family went into exile. She received her college education at the University of Rhode Island and studied journalism. After college she remained in Rhode Island and started working as a radio reporter and producer for WBRU. In 1983 she became an international reporter for CNN. In 1985, she reported form her home nation in Iran and this was where she begun to be recognized. At this time, she also won the Dupont Award. Her international recognition sparked when she reported the Bosnian crisis. During this crisis, she reported about the difficult life for the people living in the area and uncovered the harshness of the war. She has also reported news from places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, Israel, Asia, and Rwanda.   As an international r

Civil War and the Press

The North supported the war mainly due to their objection against slavery. The journalism in the North talked a lot about defeating the Confederate states. The newspapers in the North was “exaggerating Union victories and minimizing Union defeats.” This shows how much the North relied on journalism to report the details relating to the war. Everything about the war mattered to the North, so they spent a lot of time making critical analysis concerning the war. Some of the North’s journalist publications were the “Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Washington Morning Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Springfield Republican.” Since the journalists were interested so much in the war, they spent a lot of their time reporting from the war fronts. For example, Samuel Wilkeson describes wearing the same flannel shirt for five weeks. Many reporters went through the hardships and dangers of the war as well as many being killed and captured.             Journalism in the South was not

Free Transportation?

The country of Luxembourg is made public transportation free for the whole country. These public transportation include trains, buses, and trams. The goal is to limit the amount of cars that people ride in order to reduce traffic and pollution. Although it is one of the smallest countries in the world, they have a big traffic problem. The country is located between Belgium, France, and Germany. Therefore, almost 200,000 people come there from different countries each day. This means many people are driving from other countries since they are connected to one another. During the times when people drive to and from work have the most traffic jam. Therefore, free public transport is the solution to solve the traffic issues and decrease pollution. This solution is even more so better for the poor people. This is a good idea to help improve the issues the country is facing. But I feel like this takes away people's freedom from driving their own cars that they have worked to purchase.

Journalist with PTSD

Fergal Keane is a BBC reporter for Africa. He made a public announcement explaining how he is leaving his role as a journalist to deal with his PTSD. He has been dealing with it for many years while still reporting news in different conflict zones. So you can imagine the struggle he has been having for many years to stay find peace while doing his work as a journalist. Keane has been involved in journalism for a very long time, starting in 1989. He began in South Africa reporting news during the time when the country was transitioning from apartheid to democracy. He also reported in Rwanda during their time of genocide. Therefore, we can see how reporting from war-torn parts of the world can be detrimental to the emotional health of a journalist. I believe Keane loved his job and this is why he had been able to work and still deal with his PTSD for such a long time. He really has been very brave to continue working from the very first time he experienced PTSD. However, I am sure he is

Joseph Pulitzer

Joseph Pulitzer was a Hungarian-born editor and publisher. He lived there until early adulthood. While there he was educated by private tutors and even learned to speak German and French. He wanted to go into the army in Europe but was not accepted in. He came to the United States in 1864 and joined the Union army as a soldier. This was during the time of the US Civil War between the Northern and Southern states. After the war was over, he worked as a waiter, taxi driver, caretaker of mules then finally becoming a newspaper reporter. During that time, he was nominated for state legislature by the Republican Party. He won and fought against graft and corruption. In 1872, he bought the Saint Louis Post for 3000 dollars and sold a German paper for 20000 dollars. The profit helped him pay for law school and political activities. In these moments we can see that he developed his love for politics. He was also a very civic minded person. He showed a lot of concern for the public good and h

Coronavirus Affecting Apple company?

For the past several weeks now, we have heard about the coronavirus outbreak that started in China. About more than 2000 people have died from this virus and there are about 75000 people who have been affected, mostly in China. For this matter, many jobs in China have been closed. This means normal work life has been affected and consumer consumption has gone down. Apple, the iPhone company, is also being affected because they have seen a decline in iPhone sales. Apple had to temporarily close their manufacturing site to ensure that the health and well being of their employees are taken care of. Thankfully, all iPhone manufacturing site have been opened in China but they are still experiencing supply "shortage of the phone globally." This also means Apple will not be meeting their revenue guideline for the March quarter. It's interesting to know that a disease outbreak in a country has the ability to affect the the economy of a national company. This helps me to under

Confidential Sources

Julian Assange has created a hole and problem for himself. He deserves to be put in jail and deserves to be extradited by the United States. First of all, Assange is not a US citizen so what is his business leaking classified information about the US government? There is not a government in the world that is perfect. But for Assange to go all out, just to expose the secrets of the US government is very cruel and can be very detrimental to the stability of the United States. What use is it to expose a secret but not find ways to solve the problems leading up to the issues? His behavior represents one of a tyrant who tries to cause war and division within a nation.  If the government did not put him in jail, he would cause the America people to lose trust and respect for the government. The government is there to protect the people but what use is it when people rise to fight the government? As long as the government is not violating a person’s human rights there is no reason to cru

The Founding Ideals

In 1801 John Marshall became the first chief justice of the Supreme Court. He helped to increase the power/prestige of the Court by granting it the right to interpret the constitution. During this time, the Court gained a lot of respect and we still see it today. The Courts power to defend the constitution and make fair decisions, governs the US to function in an orderly manner. However, we find that in history there was a time where the authority of the Court was weakened. Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney ruled that the court had no power to ban slavery and that blacks cannot be citizens. This led to the need for amending of the constitution after the civil war. The constitution was amended to abolish slavery, define citizenship, and grant voting rights. Just as the original bill of rights was there to protect citizens against federal power, the 14 th amendment represents the 2 nd bill of rights that protects citizens from excess state power. It made sure that due process of law c

News Sources

I typically get my news from Facebook, CNN, Instagram, Youtube, and Google. These news sources are easy for me to access. Since I hardly watch TV, these sites are readily available on my phone to look at. Most of my news comes from YouTube because I am always on there listening to music. As I listen to music, news stories will randomly pop up on my phone and depending on how interesting or relevant it may be I will tune in to listen to the news updates. Facebook and Instagram are good sources as well because whenever I get on social media, I am guaranteed that someone will share news that has been going viral and it is interesting to read the story and the comments that people will make. When I go home, my dad is always watching CNN so I will get news updates from there. I also have the CNN news app on my phone so everyday I get news alerts. Also, since google is the search engine that I normally use, it is easy for me to always see news stories that are currently trending. All of